Thursday, February 14, 2008

Life-Changing Books

What Books Have Changed Your Life? -Post on MennoDiscuss

I read a LOT of books, so it is difficult to decide. There have been some books that focus on concepts that have been very significant for me-- Perspectives On The World Christian Movement, My Utmost For His Highest, Christ and the Bible by John Wenham...

But the books that I think have changed my life are those that gave examples of people who I could be like. The most significant ones are:

The Mirror of Perfection-- This is a lesser-known life of Francis of Assisi that gives all of Francis, his qwerks and foibles and his eccentric nature, but also his unbelievable, radical devotion to the gospel of Jesus.

Speaker For the Dead-- This is actually a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card, a mormon author. But his character of Andrew Wiggin (known in Ender's Game as "ender") is a mature, self-sacrificing, rational person who steps into conflict and creates peace.

Radical Faith-- This is a history by John Driver. It is an alternative church history that speaks about many individuals who have been considered heretics, mostly because they took the side of the poor and oppressed and took the gospel of Jesus seriously. All of them stood against the world, and the world was changed because of their stand.

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