Thursday, February 14, 2008

Books for Peace

There are three books that I have found to be most important in my quest to be a peacemaker in this world of hatred and separation:

a. The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
This is a Biblical exposition of what it means to forgive and to reconcile. Its reading of the pertanent biblical texts is straightforward and its application is practical

b. The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute
This is not only a fantastic book on peacemaking, but it is also the most entertaining, well-written book on peace, probably ever. Although written from a secular viewpoint, it talks about basic principles in seeing others not as objects or stereotypes, but as human beings.

c. The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo
This is a recent book by the psycologist of the Stanford Prision Experiment. It speaks about the social context in which good people could do very evil things, including torture and kill human beings. It also talks about how one can create a context in which to encourage heroism.

What are your most important books promoting peace (besides a Bible book, I suppose)?

Steve K

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